Tuesday, December 30, 2008
Breaking News: TastyGate!!!!
Sunday, December 28, 2008
Hometown vs. Hometown

Tuesday, December 23, 2008
UPDATE: Orphan Annie
Dayle Stubbs and Annie
Annie's journey started when she was found in a snow bank by a passing motorist blood-covered and shivering in sub-zero temperatures. She was taken to the Pope County Humane Society, then to a local vet hospital and eventually to the University of Minnesota's Veterinary Center. So far no one has come forward as the dogs owner as police investigate the shooting. They have few leads.
This gorgeous 2 year old dog underwent complex surgery and a week in the ICU recovering. Meantime, her story has captured the hearts of dog lovers everywhere. Donations from 1 to a thousand dollars have come in to help pay Annies staggering vet bills. Last week doctors gave her a 60-percent chance of survival. 6 days later she's now wagging her tail and headed off to her new foster home in Minneapolis. RAGOM officials will now decide which lucky family out of the hundreds of applications will adopt Annie as their family dog.

Monday, December 22, 2008
Winter is finally here...

Thursday, December 18, 2008
Orphan Annie
Donate to Annie's cause:
Wednesday, December 17, 2008
Tuesday, December 16, 2008
Another subzero night at the office....
Sunday, December 14, 2008
Recession?? What recession??
I was amazed at how crowded the mall was. I know it should be no surprise that a mall was packed 12 days before Christmas but with all of this talk of the bad economy and a recession I figured many people would be staying home. Apparently not..
We first went through the annual ritual of finding a parking space in the mall's parking lot which took about 10 minutes alone.
When we got inside the mall our first stop was Bath and Body Works. Weaving through the sea of shoppers and lavender bath bombs my wife got what she needed..1 bottle of lotion. "Sensual Amber" if I remember correctly.
We then proceeded to the checkout line where it all hit me....the economy must be in better shape than I thought. I counted 32 people waiting to pay for their body creams, bubble baths and aromatherapy.
We waited in line for about 13 minutes...not that I was counting. The all of the sudden a cashier who couldn't be more than 12 years old hung a sign on the "cash" register
I guess the store realized that in this economy most people no longer have any cash to their names so they figured they'd help the average consumer dig themselves deeper in debt by not even offering a cash option.
When I asked the clerk why only half of their "cash" registers actually accept cash-she told me it was to "keep the lines moving" and "giving out change holds up the line".
Really?? How long does it take to count change?? After all it says so right there on the dollar bill. "Legal Tender". At least 1 woman was so disgusted she left the store saying "They're not getting any of my money.. all I have is cash". Luckily that woman was in front of us in line so we moved up a space...
We finally got to the cashier who obviously did not want to be there. I overheard her tell another employee how she can't wait until the holiday's are over. But the holiday's is WHY this girl has a job.
I after 17 minutes of waiting in line, I finally paid $10.76 cents for my wife's "Sensual Amber" body lotion (on debit card).
Then it finally hit me..we spent all of this time in the store and our purchase wasn't even for holiday gift.
Leaving the mall about an hour later I thought about the parking lot filled with cars, a mall packed with shoppers, long lines, stores refusing to accept cash and people like me willing to spend a half hour waiting to pay for a bottle of body lotion. My question is how bad can this economy really be??
It's a question I'd love to ask someone who has lived through "The Great Depression"
Friday, December 12, 2008
Monday, December 8, 2008
Winter is here....
Saturday, December 6, 2008
Paying it forward...
Wednesday, December 3, 2008
Welcome to my blog..