As a TV reporter I see the best and worst in society. Today I witnessed both in 1 story.
We found out that a beautiful 2 year old Golden Retriever had been found in a snow bank covered in blood on a country road in Pope County Minnesota. Veterinarians quickly learned the dog had been shot twice with a rifle. No one knows who owns the dog. No one knows who shot the dog. I just can't imagine who would knowingly pull the trigger on a helpless innocent dog. That's the bad news.
I knew this story would tug at the heart strings of a lot of people-especially dog owners. So far many people have come forward with donations to help pay for Annie's $15,000 medical bills after a complex surgery and 24 hour care. The organization "Retrieve a Golden of Minnesota" is taking on the task of taking care of Annie and eventually her adoption.
Donate to Annie's cause:
Here's a link to my story on
I saw Annie on CNN on 20th Dec. I contributed to her medical care in a matter of minutes on the web. Now I wish to contribute to a Cash Reward Pool or elcewise help pay for an investigation which would lead to catching the yellow two legged animal who shot her thru the lungs. Can someone post the contact details of the local organization who should be trying to find this individual? The photos of annie are national and local. Some children somewhere close to that snow bank are missing their best friend...maybe they will make a simple phone call.
The Pope County Sheriff's Office is investigating.
I hope they find who did this to this beautiful baby. I've spread the story to all my DWB (Dogs Who Blog) friends and hopefully get more donations.
Goldens are wonderful! The whole world knows when someone gets a Golden puppy. Someone will come forward with information. I figure it happened 1 of 2 ways: a domestic abuse situation (hurt the pet or hurt the children to further retaliate or threaten the partner/ex-partner, or a drunk who thought they shot at a deer. The former seems more like it. Keep praying-for the dog, the supporters & care-givers, and for the very sick person who chose to hurt a beautiful, loving and harmless animal. God saw it all...GO ANNIE!
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