I have lived in Minnesota for 2 years now and I have learned one thing. The weather effects your mood. I now suffer from seasonal effective disorder. I think that's what they call it. People here get depressed in the winter. Holed up inside for a few months a year is just a way of life for Minnesotans. Sure people here enjoy their ice fishing, snow sports and Winter Carnival but for the most part December through February we hibernate...therefore it can get seriously depressing. I now understand why people have cabins. To avoid cabin fever.

After a month of temperatures in the teens and windchills 20 and 30-below, we finally got a small, crumb-sized taste of spring...The sun was shining as a warm front came through overnight. It felt great. The burst of warm air in my lungs felt like an early spring day. I even heard a bird chirpping and I started scanning around the sea of snow for blades of grass..even dead grass... I felt this weight was lifted. I was in a good mood and took my dog Murphy for an extra long walk. Life is good..
My bubble burst when I checked the temperature and it was just 30. How could 30 degrees seem so warm? It's still officially freezing outside and I'm thinking I may need sunscreen. The worst part about it......we had 1 day of 30 degrees. That was yesterday. As I write this- the temperature is minus 6.....wait..............seriously it just changed...it's now minus 7 .
Wake me in April.

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