Dayle Stubbs and Annie
Annie's journey started when she was found in a snow bank by a passing motorist blood-covered and shivering in sub-zero temperatures. She was taken to the Pope County Humane Society, then to a local vet hospital and eventually to the University of Minnesota's Veterinary Center. So far no one has come forward as the dogs owner as police investigate the shooting. They have few leads.
This gorgeous 2 year old dog underwent complex surgery and a week in the ICU recovering. Meantime, her story has captured the hearts of dog lovers everywhere. Donations from 1 to a thousand dollars have come in to help pay Annies staggering vet bills. Last week doctors gave her a 60-percent chance of survival. 6 days later she's now wagging her tail and headed off to her new foster home in Minneapolis. RAGOM officials will now decide which lucky family out of the hundreds of applications will adopt Annie as their family dog.

1 comment:
We're so glad to hear she out of the hospital. I sent Annie's story to all my doggie friends and I think some of them have donated and helped her out. Happy Holidays!
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