Monday, December 8, 2008

Winter is here....

I forgot how cold 4 degrees was until had to go outside this morning..

The bad news is I will remember how WARM 4 degrees is when the temperature goes 15-below with a windchill of 35 below....Such is life in Minnesota. It seriously forces you to appreciate what all 4 seasons have to offer.

We got 2 inches of snow yesterday. And we're forecasted to get another 6 inches tonight.

Even our Labrador Retriever Murphy can't stand going outside in this weather. I litterally have to drag him out of the house every morning from his wintertime perch cuddled on his Eagles blanket next to the fireplace.

I know this is only the beginning of the winter and we have a long time to wait before we see the green grass again but I'm still least we have nearly a 100% chance of a white Christmas...

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